Work Bond Program

Why Work Bond?

MMOG CYO manages a work bond program that holds families accountable to contribute to our 100%-volunteer-run program. A work bond requirement encourages a minimal contribution to help keep program costs down while maintaining a standard of excellence in experience for our players and visitors in the form of concessions. Gate workers ensure proper collection of the fees to support the youth program within the parish (without gate fee collection registration fees would need to be significantly increased per player).  No one within the program is paid with the exception of game officials (referees, book/clock workers.).  All other tasks - procurement and delivery of concessions, equipment, supplies and uniforms and end of season gift, site maintenance, financial accountability, scheduling, coaching, security, credentialing, training, uniform assignment, logistics, setup/tear down of the gyms and all communication - are completed by dedicated volunteers who pay the same work bond as a family who simply fulfills 3 hours per season selling chips and soda or making change at the door.

Work Bond Requirements

  • Each player's family is asked to contribute volunteer service by signing up at SignUp  where needs are posted:
    • One shift and at most 3 hours.
    • If you have children in multiple programs, each program requires a work bond signup.
  • Work Bond Fee
    • 4th - 8th Grade: $150
    • 3rd Grade: $75
  • Sign up opportunities will be posted throughout the season with the bulk being created as the Diocese provides the schedule in late November.
  • Please be mindful when signing up that all unoccupied spots need to be filled if you decide after signing up that you are unable to work that shift.
  • We may keep later spots locked to ensure that we have coverage for earlier assignments.
  • Any person who signs up for a volunteer assignment and does not show to complete the hours will automatically forfeited their work bond monies. If a member is unable to complete an assignment they must go to SignUp and change the volunteer back to unassigned at least 24 hours prior to assignment.  
  • Assignments will be available at 2 week intervals.
  • In order for volunteer time to be recorded it is THE VOLUNTEER'S responsibility to sign in when filling any volunteer assignment and that failing to do so may result in unrecorded hours which will not be considered for work bond refunds or roll over.
  • Head coaches and assistant coaches earn work bond hours, refundable upon the return of all uniforms, ball bags and binders.
  • Members of the board earn work bond hours by running the club.
  • If the full hours aren't worked and recorded the work bond will be forfeit and no refund or roll over will be given.


  • Upon completion of all hours of service, checks will be available for pickup at the end of the season; an email will go out once the date is set.
  • The volunteer hours are specific to the MMOG CYO program and hours volunteered for outside programs are not eligible.
  • If a Venmo account is provided at the time of signup, the refund will be issued through Venmo and we will try and refund as soon as possible.
  • The full amount must be worked in order to get a refund and time can/will be split into hour shifts as needed or required.
  • Refund checks will only be made payable to the person completing the online work bond registration.

Work Bond Tasks Explained

Gate: Sit at the table near the front door and collect money for admission into the game based on the provided pricing guidelines.

Concessions: Stand in the concessions/kitchen area and collect money for the items that are purchased.  Additionally, the kids who work the book and clock for the games will be providing a paper signed by the site manager indicating they can be paid for their time.  Please see the site manager for location of the funds to hand to the workers.  The person working the opening shift will be expected to help setup the concessions.

Team Manager (4th - 8th grade only): Organize all non-game related activities.  This includes:

  1. Entering game scores into TeamSnap
  2. Uniform distribution and collection
    1. Get access as team manager in TeamSnap (either CYO Director or Head Coach can do this)
    2. Uniform sizes per child are found on player profile in roster.
    3. Go into gym closet and pull the jerseys and shorts.
    4. Distribute to players at practice.
    5. Enter jersey # in TeamSnap and official roster (shared on google drive by either CYO Director or Head Coach)
  3. End of Season Pizza Social
  4. Distribution of spirit wear and team pictures

Reach out to your child's coach to sign-up for being team manager.

Click to View Our SignUps on SignUp

For questions about the work bond program

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